Lucy: 這個客廳是由我設計的呢,我今次採用了高雅的復古風,我還在搜羅一些後現代的畫作,希望可以再提高這間房子的韻味。🍷
Lucy: I designed this living room, you know! I went for an elegant vintage vibe this time. I‘m also on the hunt for some postmodern artwork to really enhance the charm of the place.🍷
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Susan: 我的廚房是否很大呢?我認為有了這個新廚房,我的廚藝必定會大躍進。
Susan: Is my kitchen really that big? I think with this new kitchen, my cooking skills will definitely improve.
But I just found a little problem: I forgot that I bought a built-in oven during the renovation, then I bought a small double-layer oven while shopping, and I also ordered a toaster oven online... Do they all pretty much do the same thing?🍳
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Betty: 我們三姊妹的靚衫👗實在太多,這個小衣櫃根本不足夠。媽媽建議我們進行斷捨離,但我認為新增一個衣帽間比較實際。大家認同嗎?
Betty: We have so many fabulous clothes 👗that this tiny wardrobe is totally not enough! Mom said we should clean out some stuff, bbut I think adding a walk-in closet is way more practical. Who agrees with me? Fashion needs space!
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Mary: 因為空間有限,我選擇了碌架床,家姐嚷著要睡上隔床,但經過一輪激烈的包剪揼對決後,我終於勝利了!!✌🏻
Mary: Since space is tight, I went for a bunk bed. My sister was screaming to sleep on the top bunk, but after an intense round of rock-paper-scissors, I finally came out on top!! Victory is sweet! ✌🏻
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最近毛毛頭家族搬了新屋🏡,不如我們來個room tour 吧❤️
Amy: 首先來看看我的睡房, 當然是我最喜歡的粉紅色做主題, 配上超級可愛的免仔牆紙🐇。
🎊Big News!🎊
The MomoB family has recently moved into a new house🏡, so let’s do a room tour! ❤️
Amy: First up, let’s check out my bedroom, which of course has my favorite pink theme, complete with the super cute bunny wallpaper! 🐇
I had to convince my mom for a whole week to let me use it... because... well, it was pricey! But hey, I have great taste, right?
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